Wednesday, 3 June 2015

Aspex Gallery Portsmouth

Upon my visit to Aspex gallery in Portsmouth I saw numerous presentation techniques, these included plinths and wall hangings. In this exhibition there were several pieces displayed including photography, painting and illustration, these were each displayed differently. 
The gallery itself is very accessible to the public as it doubles up as a cafe, this means the audience can relax take their time looking round the exhibition and then settle for something to eat or drink whilst thru enjoy the artwork. I like the feel of this atmosphere as it is very relaxed and doesn't feel too formal, allowing you to appreciate local artworks. This is a very interactive way of displaying work in a gallery as pelple may be more inclined to visit the gallery due to the cafe inside. 
The space that artwork is placed in is very raw and compliments the artwork, pieces have been did played carefully did to colours and space provided so the texture and colour of the gallery space compliments the artwork well. There are also many high ceilings in the gallery, which gives a contemporary feel to the space provided, much like a lot of the artwork placed in the exhibtions. 
Many pieces within the gallery were quite small, this forced the audience to get very close to the pieces of artwork in order to appreciate them, these were also placed on very blank walls which emphasised the size of the pieces due to the large amount of negative space around the pieces. Most of these small pieces were nearly craned and ranged in different shapes, these were often paced my different orders but we're all consistent in height. These were always placed at typical eye level making the pieces easier to view by the audience.
Other pieces were much larger and were  placed in unusual compositions, the viewer can see piece clearly from afar but the viewer can still get up grey close and see much more prominent details. These were also placed at a convenient height for the viewers eye. I found the space these pieces we replaced in very open, allowing the viewer to step back and view each piece of artwork from a distance
The display methods in the exhibtion have made me think about how my own pieces would be placed in exhibtion and have allowed me to view different presentation techniques and analyse a gallery space much like the one my own exhibtion will be being placed in. I plan to use these methods to interact with the public and major my own pieces eye catching and interesting to view. 

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